Game Arcade Britney Spears Shakira for those who like Britney Spears or ShakiraThe game Arcade Britney Spears Vs Shakira for those who like Britney Sp
Game Arcade Britney Spears Shakira for those who like Britney Spears or Shakira
The game Arcade Britney Spears Vs Shakira for those who like Britney Spears, also Shakira. Like stoic bridesmaids watching a friend get married, two faceless mannequins, one wearing the green stewardess outfit from Britney Spears Toxic video and the other draped in the red lion tamer ensemble from Circus, stood beside David Krawsek and Woody Arenas on the couple’s wedding day. After achieving superstardom throughout Latin America, Colombian-born Shakira became Latin pop’s biggest female crossover artist since Jennifer Lopez. Noted for her aggressive, rock-influenced approach, Shakira maintained an extraordinary degree of creative control over her music, especially for a female artist. Music by Released under Creative Commons License 3.0.